from Monday 11 to Wednesday 13
November 2024
Palais des Congrès - Paris - France
  • See version
  • ##fr##
  • ##en##

Guidelines e-poster and presentation

Oral communications and presentations

Instructions for authors

All speakers participating in any of the congress sessions must report to the preview room to submit and validate their presentation, either the day before or at least two hours before the start of their session. The proper functioning of presentations received after this deadline cannot be guaranteed.

To ensure that each speaker has enough time to review their documents, only minor modifications will be accepted at the pre-projection stations.

Your presentation 

Presentations should preferably be in PC-compatible PowerPoint format.

  • The projection format is 16:9 Power
  • Point 2019 and earlier versions are accepted
  • Save your file in .pptx format for better compatibility
  • Multimedia elements: 
    • Integrate images and videos using the "Insert" function.
    • Try to limit your video and audio files to 1 GB and prefer .mp4 formats.
    • If your video comes from medical equipment, ensure that it does not require proprietary software for playback.
  • If you are working on a Mac, try to avoid Mac OS-specific fonts and prefer fonts compatible with Windows.
  • Bring a copy of your presentation, along with the video files used, on a digital storage device (USB flash drive or external hard drive).

In preview room

A team of expert technicians is dedicated to assisting participants during the file download and verification stages.

Audio-visual equipment in the room

Each conference room is equipped with a computer at the lectern, networked with the pre-projection room, from which all presentations will be made. No personal computers will be allowed.

  • Click on your name to open your presentation, and press the 'Esc' key to return to the main menu at the end of your session


During the entire duration of the conference, all presentations along with their associated files are stored and backed up on a server. Each speaker can access or modify their own presentation but cannot access presentations made by other speakers.

Beyond the congress period, unless explicitly authorized by the organizer or the author of each presentation, this data is completely deleted from the on-site computer terminals.

Download the PowerPoint template

Preview room :
All speakers are invited to submit their presentation the day before or at latest 2 hours before the start of their session in the preview room


Please follow the instructions below for creating your e-poster

  • You must be registered for the conference for your e-poster to be kept in the program.
  • The presentation must exclusively use a PC PowerPoint version.
  • It should consist of a maximum of 10 slides: the first slide should include the title, authors, and geographical origin of the work.
  • The last slide should list the main references. No videos should be included in the e-poster.
  • No animations or transitions should be introduced in the slideshow.
  • You will receive new information in September on how to submit your e-poster through the dedicated platform.

The platform dedicated to E-Posters will open no later than early September. An email will be sent to you with your credentials to submit your presentation.

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